Photo gallery Distinguished Teaching Awards 2018
Photos by Bryce Richter
Text by Käri Knutson
Twelve faculty members have been chosen to receive this year’s Distinguished Teaching Awards, an honor given out since 1953 to recognize the university’s finest educators. Chancellor Rebecca Blank and Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf will present the awards April 11, 2018, at a 5 p.m. ceremony at the Fluno Center, 601 University Ave. The ceremony, sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty, is free and open to the public.
In this multimedia feature, click on any of the images below to see the winners at work, read about what makes them distinguished, and watch each of them tell us their favorite thing about teaching, their proudest moment as a teacher and how they would describe their classroom in a word or two.
Philip Brown
Thomas Brunold
Jerome Camal
Ellen Damschen
Simon Gilroy
Daniel J. Klingenberg
Nancy Rose Marshall
David McDonald
Majid Sarmadi
Miriam Seifter
Erica Simmons
Michael Thornton
Tags: faculty awards