Photo gallery Discussing science journalism in the era of fake news
Laura Helmuth, the fall 2018 UW–Madison Science Writer in Residence, had a lively discussion with other panelists about “Science Journalism in the Age of Fake News” Wednesday at Steenbock’s on Orchard in the Discovery Building. The panel also featured UW–Madison Professor of Law and Bioethics Alta Charo and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery Director Jo Handelsman, both of whom have extensive experience shaping science policy in Washington. Helmuth, the health, science and environment editor for the Washington Post, is spending the week visiting classes, working with students and faculty, and exploring the UW–Madison research landscape.

Photo by: Bryce Richter
Laura Helmuth, the health, science and environment editor for the Washington Post, spoke on a panel in her role as the fall 2018 UW-Madison Science Writer in Residence. At left is UW-Madison Professor of Law and Bioethics Alta Charo, and at right is Wisconsin Institute for Discovery Director Jo Handelsman.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Helmuth spoke during the panel discussion on “Science Journalism in the Age of Fake News.”Tags: journalism, science