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Committee seeks next vice chancellor for finance and administration

December 7, 2021 By Greg Bump

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A 17-member search and screen committee consisting of faculty, staff and student representatives has been launched to select the next vice chancellor for finance and administration (VCFA).

“The vice chancellor for finance and administration oversees a range of essential programs and services, and finding the right person to fill this role is vital for the daily operations, as well as the long-term success, of UW–Madison,” Chancellor Rebecca Blank says.

Kris Olds, professor in the Department of Geography, will chair the committee.

“I am looking forward to a comprehensive search process to identify the most qualified individuals to lead the campus forward,” Olds says.

Previous Vice Chancellor Laurent Heller left UW–Madison in May to take a similar role at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Rob Cramer, who had been interim associate vice chancellor for facilities planning and management, is serving as interim VCFA.

The VCFA is the chief officer in charge of operations at the university. Responsibilities include overseeing the university’s $3.4 billion annual budget and finances, human resources, facilities planning and management, risk management and internal controls, auxiliary operations (including student housing and dining), campus police and security operations, financial oversight of UW’s Division I athletic organization, and other smaller units.

The vice chancellor for finance and administration works closely with the chancellor in developing and implementing operational policies, budget strategies and revenue growth opportunities that allow the university to effectively support its core missions of education, research and outreach.

The VCFA also works with the provost and other vice chancellors, deans and campus leadership to deliver the resources, services and facilities necessary to operate a world-class university, and with UW System and the state oversight agencies that regulate UW activities.

In addition to Olds, the members of the search committee include:

  • Adam Barnes, associate athletic director and chief financial officer, Wisconsin Athletics
  • Hope Broadus, associate dean and chief human resources officer, School of Medicine and Public Health
  • Chris Bruhn, assistant dean for facilities, College of Letters & Science
  • Natalie Feggestad, associate dean for finance and administration, School of Human Ecology
  • Tammy Herbst-Koel, department administrator, Department of Economics, College of Letters & Science
  • Nick Hillman, professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, School of Education
  • Kevin M. Jacobson, Associated Students of Madison student representative
  • Sadat Khan, senior associate director of facility planning and operations, RecWell
  • Louis Macias, executive director of recruitment, diversity and inclusion, UW Police Department
  • Susie Maloney, director of financial information management, Division of Business Services
  • Ruben Mota, Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator, Office of Compliance
  • Sarah Oleksy, director of residence life, University Housing
  • Aaron Olver, managing director, University Research Park
  • Eric Sandgren, professor, Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine; University Committee chair
  • Todd Shechter, chief technology officer, Division of Information Technology
  • Adam Whitehorse, associate dean and chief financial officer, College of Engineering

The committee will hold its first meeting later this month. The search committee will recommend finalists to the chancellor, who will make the final selection. Additional information about this search and the position description will be posted at