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Category State & Global

Beijing seminar helps Wisconsin dairies build a bridge to China

September 4, 2007

Along the northern and northeastern borders of China, traditionally considered the country's dairy belt, daily life can resemble a scene from a Wisconsin of a bygone era. But Chinese dairy farmers aren't facing the hurdles of modernization alone. To help them meet their lofty goals, they are turning to a state that knows a thing or two about building a dairy industry: Wisconsin.

International research awards announced to faculty, staff

August 29, 2007

New research grants totaling nearly $140,000 have been awarded to University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty and staff, the UW–Madison Division of International Studies announced today.

Brain scans show meditation changes minds, increases attention

June 25, 2007

For hundreds of years, Tibetan monks and other religious people have used meditation to calm the mind and improve concentration. This week, a new study shows exactly how one common type of meditation affects the brain.