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Photo gallery A green sanctuary

March 18, 2025

Early spring holds the promise of green, as leaves and shoots will emerge in the coming months. But if you want to see and smell green foliage sooner, you can turn to the D.C. Smith Greenhouse, used to grow plants for classes in UW–Madison’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

Senior Biocore student Lily Selkow has been studying at the greenhouse since her freshman year, when she lived in Kronshage Residence Hall across the street.

“It’s kind of a secret spot. I don’t tell a lot of people about it,” Selkow says. “I like it because it’s hot during the winter, and it’s a little less depressing than a library.”

A woman studies amid a number of plants.

Lily Selkow, a senior Biocore student, studies a few biology papers for an upcoming test in the green warmth of the D.C. Smith Greenhouse. Photo by: Althea Dotzour

A number of seedlings in little pots are shown.

These seedlings are part of an experiment that looks at growth rates in soils with different proportions of sulfur. Photo by: Althea Dotzour

A white board in the D.C. Smith Green House at the University of Wisconsin–Madison says, “Gardening is an exercise in optimism. Sometimes it is a triumph of hope over experience. - Marina Schinz”

Wisdom is imparted on the white board at the greenhouse. Photo by: Althea Dotzour

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