Photo gallery A campus send-off for Rebecca Blank
There could not have been a more fitting send-off for Rebecca Blank and her husband, Hanns Kuttner, than one of those glorious Terrace days that are made for memories. The campus community joined the outgoing chancellor at the Memorial Union on Monday for ice cream, popcorn, music and heartfelt goodbyes. Soon to become the next president of Northwestern University, Blank’s official last day at UW–Madison is May 31.

Photo by: Bryce Richter
It was, in a sense, as much a graduation for Chancellor Blank as for the newly minted alumni who came out to say goodbye, still in their commencement garb.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Having her own marching band, Chancellor Blank always liked to say, was one of the best perks of her job.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
It was a last chance for Rebecca Blank's admirers in the campus community to get a photo with her gleefully "throwin' the W."
Photo by: Bryce Richter
In her nine years here, the chancellor often professed her affection for Bucky Badger — making their parting a poignant moment.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Chancellor Blank was presented with a pair of red Terrace chairs as a going-away present from the Wisconsin Union and the campus community.Tags: chancellor, recent sightings