Tag State relations
Q&A: Ward explains Madison Initiative benefits
The chancellor says the Madison Initiative and overall university budget will provide students with improved educational and research opportunities; strengthen libraries and other services; and renovate buildings, among other things. Following are some questions and answers on the university budget from Chancellor David Ward.
Capitol Capsules
Pension bill passes, awaits governor’s signoff The Assembly and Senate have passed a pension bill (AB 495) that would: Increase…
Highlights of the UW System budget as approved by the Legislature
Here are highlights of the UW System budget as approved by the Legislature Oct. 6. The governor is expected to sign the bill and announce any partial vetoes next week.
Best budget in a decade, chancellor says
Chancellor David Ward says the new state budget contains the best news for the university in at least a decade.
Additional Building Funds Will Not Be Sought From Donors
UW-Madison will not get from the state the remaining $5 million needed for a new pharmacy building, but it will not have to raise the money privately.
Initial Reaction To Budget Is Optimistic
UW-Madison officials are still sifting and winnowing through Gov. Tommy Thompson's 2,100-page budget for 1997-99, but their initial reaction is: Better than last time.
Pay Raise, Tuition Issues Unanswered in Budget
The biggest budget question for UW–Madison this biennium is faculty and academic staff pay raises -- but Gov. Tommy Thompson's proposed 1997-99 budget does not give an immediate answer.