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Tag School of Veterinary Medicine

School of Veterinary Medicine sponsors 26th annual Dog Jog

August 26, 2009

At 10 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20, hundreds of animal lovers and their dogs will run (or walk) the two-mile Dog Jog benefit race, sponsored by the School of Veterinary Medicine. Whether participants finish doesn’t matter nearly as much as the amount of money they raise.

Curiosities: Why do cats hate water?

July 27, 2009

Because we teach them to hate it. There are plenty of cats that love water, according to Sandi Sawchuk, a clinical instructor at the…

Curiosities: Why do cats seem compelled to eat some plants, like my poor aloe, and ignore others?

June 15, 2009

Cats may devour some plants but ignore others as a simple matter of taste, says Sandra Sawchuk, a clinical instructor at the School…

Recent sightings: Vet Med open house

April 27, 2009

Photos: Bryce Richter Hayley Rothwell (left) practices the process of intubation using a model of a dog, while clinical instructor Elizabeth…

Study of cat diet leads to key nervous system repair discovery

March 30, 2009

Scientists studying a mysterious neurological affliction in cats have discovered a surprising ability of the central nervous system to repair itself and restore function.

Notable graduates: Sara Greenslit — Novelist grabs second career in animal care

May 13, 2008

Sara Greenslit, a returning adult student, has always had dual interest in art and science. She completed a pre-veterinary degree in biology at the College of Charleston, S.C., in 1992.

T cell immunity enhanced by timing of interleukin-7 therapy

February 1, 2008

That the cell nurturing growth factor interleukin-7 can help ramp up the ability of the immune system to remember the pathogenic villains it encounters is well known.