Tag Research
New technology provides real-world data for distance athletes
Professional athletes, including cyclists and distance runners, soon will have a powerful new tool to predict energy expenditure and performance during a race, thanks to a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Saris Cycling Group of Madison. The technology also has potential medical applications, including helping to treat obese children and adults and cardiac patients.
Wisconsin smokers try to quit the hard way
A new report on "How Wisconsin Smokers Quit" shows that nearly one-half of Wisconsin smokers tried to quit smoking last year. Close to eight out of 10 tried to quit "cold turkey" (without medication or counseling), and 90 percent relapsed within three months. Although new methods for quitting double or triple their chances for success, most Wisconsin smokers still are trying to quit the hard way.
Book smart
Ringlingville USA: The Stupendous Story of Seven Siblings and Their Stunning Circus Success Jerry Apps, professor emeritus, continuing and vocational education…
Bird species see themselves in a different light
Two related South American species of birds, difficult to distinguish with the human eye, use ultraviolet light to differentiate between themselves, according to a zoologistat the UW.
Gamoran chosen to lead UW’s education research center
Adam Gamoran, professor of sociology and educational policy studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, has been selected as director of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) in the university's School of Education.
New technology predicts energy use, performance
Professional athletes, including cyclists and distance runners, will soon have a powerful new tool to predict energy expenditure and performance over a race, thanks to a unique collaboration between the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Saris Cycling Group of Madison.
Statement from Carl Gulbrandsen
Carl Gulbrandsen is the managing director of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and president of WiCell Research Institute Governor Doyle’s proposal…
Study: Meditation changes the brain’s electrical pattern
In the first scientific article to come from its pioneering studies of long-term Buddhist meditation practitioners, a UW–Madison team has found that long-term meditators (or "adepts") show markedly different patterns of brain electrical oscillations compared to a group with no previous meditative experience, when both of them generated a standard meditative practice.
Osteoporosis research center to test drug compound
As part of the effort to find a solution to the impending osteoporosis crisis, the Osteoporosis Clinical Research Center has been chosen as one of only a dozen sites worldwide to conduct a clinical trial involving 2MD.
Extinction in ocean’s mud presages key ecological changes
The loss of seemingly inconsequential animal species in the marine benthos - the top 6 inches or so of mud and sediment on the floors of the world's oceans - is giving scientists a new look ahead at the consequences of the steady decline of the world's biological diversity.