Tag Research
Research runs deep at Trout Lake Station
More than eight decades ago, two enterprsing biologists from UW–Madison opened a modest research outpost on Trout Lake, deep in the heart of Wisconsin's northern lakeregion. The goal was to peer into the fundamental mysteries of freshwater lakes, from their basic chmistry to their elaborate life cycle.
Grant promotes faster application of health care technology
By fostering early-stage collaborations between UW–Madison biomedical engineering researchers and practicing physicians, a new initiative will enable researchers to deliver their advances more quickly to the patients who need them.
Chancellor’s statement regarding Governor’s veto of AB 499
Gov. Jim Doyle's veto Thursday (Nov. 3) of Assembly Bill 499 was an important step to preserve Wisconsin's leadership in the burgeoning field of embryonic stem cell research. The bill would have criminalized a promising form of biomedical research.
Dispatches from Trout Lake Station
More than 80 years ago, two UW–Madison biologists opened a rustic research outpost on Trout Lake, deep in the heart of Wisconsin's pristine northern lake region. Their goal was to unlock some basic mysteries of freshwater lakes, from their chemical makeup to their elaborate circle of life. Today, research at Trout Lake is thriving more than ever, but a great deal of the focus has shifted to the developmental pressures that threaten what people cherish most about recreational lakes.
Professor to present at national mental health conference
David Gustafson, director of the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx), will present on connections between addiction and mental health at the 21st Annual Rosalynn Carter Symposium on Mental Health Policy on Nov. 2-3 in Atlanta.
Writer’s Choice
Film offers lessons in effective resistance Smack in the middle of World War II, a group of German college students took it upon…
For the Record
Call for proposals for DoIT technology support The Division of Information Technology is offering Engage “Adaptation” Awards. These awards will provide $800 and…
WUD Film Committee plans special event film
“Wis-Kino Fall Kabaret” is an international film movement that invites innovative people everywhere to make short films with limited budgets and time. The Kabaret is its autumn showcase and will include a selection of international Kino shorts. Organized by students on the Wisconsin Union Directorate Film Committee, the free event will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, in the On Wisconsin Room at the Red Gym.
Study: Demographer reassesses Japanese marriage slump
It seems obvious to assume that marriage rates are waning in the industrialized world because women are more educated and financially independent than ever before. But sociologists say the connection is hardly so black or white.
Researchers ask hunters to refrain from shooting deer with radio collars
UW-Madison researchers are asking south central Wisconsin deer hunters participating in the fall hunt to refrain from shooting animals with radio collars. The collared animals have been part of an intensive survey of deer behavior and movement and research results from the study promise scientists and wildlife managers better insight into how chronic wasting disease (CWD) is spreading across Wisconsin's landscape.
Electronic pruners: A worthwhile investment
Using an electronic pruner is more efficient than using a manual pruner, because it reduces hand fatigue and is faster.
Conference to set deer-vehicle crash research agenda
More than 1.5 million drivers nationwide last year collided with deer on roadways around the country, and the costs related to this growing problem total more than $1 billion each year. On Oct. 24-25, nearly 70 researchers, administrators, engineers and ecologists from 20 states, Canada and Japan will meet in Madison to present findings and set a strategic agenda for deer-vehicle crash research, funding, technology transfer and education.