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Tag Research

World’s fastest image processor aids search for elusive form of matter

February 6, 2006

How do scientists drill down to the fundamental units of nature and sample conditions that existed right after the Big Bang some 15 billion years ago

Business professor launches corporate reporting study

February 1, 2006

Lori Holder-Webb, an assistant professor of accounting and information systems at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business, is part of a four-person research team recently awarded a grant to research corporate reporting.


January 31, 2006

Ask Bucky Do you have questions? We have answers! Ask Bucky is a service provided by the Campus Information and Visitor Center, your…

Employee Matters

January 31, 2006

This is the second in a series of three articles on retirement. This article will focus on health insurance and how sick- leave credits and Medicare come into play.

Study: ‘Resume padding’ prevalent in college-bound students who volunteer

January 30, 2006

Although the rates of volunteerism among high schoolers appear to be healthy, a study by a UW–Madison researcher suggests that "resume-padding" - not simple altruism - may be the driving force.

From 2D blueprint, material assembles into novel 3D nanostructures

January 27, 2006

An international team of scientists affiliated with the UW–Madison Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center has coaxed a self-assembling material into forming never-before-seen, three-dimensional nanoscale structures, with potential applications ranging from catalysis and chemical separation to semiconductor manufacturing.

Survey analyzes Wisconsin, Upper Peninsula logging sector

January 26, 2006

Private woodland owners provide the majority of timber harvested in Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and most owners choose to selectively cut, rather than clearcut, their woodlands, according to a study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Michigan State University.

Scientist brings international connections to UW stem cell work

January 26, 2006

Growing up in the Brazilian state of Goiana, Gabriela Cezar was deep in cattle country. And as far back as she can remember, she wanted to be a veterinarian. “My father was head of the national beef cattle research center in Brazil, so I was always exposed to animals,”said Cezar, who earned her veterinary medicine degree in her native country and has additional graduate degrees from Scotland’s University of Edinburgh and UW–Madison. But Cezar’s career path took a turn toward stem cell research early on.

Mining for gems in the fungal genome

January 23, 2006

Ever since penicillin, a byproduct of a fungal mold, was discovered in 1929, scientists have scrutinized fungi for other breakthrough drugs. As reported Jan. 20 in the Journal of Chemistry and Biology, a team led by a UW–Madison researcher has developed a new method that may speed the ongoing quest for medically useful compounds in fungi.

New study examines usage of online breast cancer support groups

January 18, 2006

Stereotypes about who will use online support groups are wrong, according to research at UW–Madison. The researchers found that age, income and education did not predict participation, although minorities were not as active as other users.