Tag Research
Finding may unshackle the potential of composite materials
In an advance that could lead to composite materials with virtually limitless performance capabilities, a University of Wisconsin–Madison scientist has dispelled a 50-year-old theoretical notion that composite materials must be made only of "stable" individual materials to be stable overall.
Nutrition researchers provide the skinny on trans fats
This past holiday season, University of Wisconsin–Madison nutritionist Sherry Tanumihardjo made brownies with butter, not margarine. Like a lot of us, she wanted to avoid artificial trans fats.
Enzyme plays dual role in cancer spread
Before cancer cells can migrate, or metastasize, to other parts of the body, they first have to disconnect from their neighbors in the tumor. A team of University of Wisconsin–Madison and Canadian scientists has made a surprising discovery: The same enzyme that controls the ability of cancer cells to move also governs a process that binds them tightly in place.
Silicon medicines may be effective in humans
University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists have shown that silicon — the stuff of computer chips, glass and pottery — may have extraordinary therapeutic value for treating human disease.
UW survey finds foreign investors favor U.S. and New York City real estate
The United States remains the preferred country for foreign investors' real estate dollars, according to a University of Wisconsin–Madison survey of global real estate investors released today.
UW-Madison college targets federal bioenergy initiative
The University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is leading efforts to bring a new federal bioenergy research and development center to Wisconsin, the college's dean told a group of bioscience industry leaders today.
UW-Madison acquires rare plant from dinosaur age
A relic plant that once co-existed with dinosaurs has taken up residence in the University of Wisconsin–Madison botany greenhouses.
A hot idea for insulating tiny batteries
Engineering physics researchers are devising a unique "blanket" that will enable them to squeeze as much electricity as possible from nuclear-powered batteries the size of a grain of coarse salt.
Record speed for thin-film transistors could open door for flexible electronics
A pair of University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have developed a method of making flexible, thin-film transistors that are not only inexpensive to produce, but also capable of high speeds — even microwave frequency, impossible before now.
Study: Praying online helps cancer patients
Breast cancer patients who pray in online support groups can obtain mental health benefits, according to a new study conducted by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Center of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research that was funded by the National Cancer Institute.