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Dental delight! Tooth of sea urchin shows formation of biominerals

December 21, 2009

Some of the most common minerals in biology, including those in bones and shells, have a mysterious structure: Their crystals are positioned in the same orientation, making them behave as one giant crystal, even though they do not look like a faceted crystal.

Scientists hope to mimic nature’s dynamos

October 9, 2009

In the cosmos, all celestial objects - planets, stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies - have magnetic fields. On Earth, the magnetic field of our home planet is most easily observed in a compass where the needle points north.

Curiosities: How big is space?

August 17, 2009

Space is probably infinite, but we can see only the part that contains stars or galaxies whose light has been able to reach us, says…

Sea urchin yields a key secret of biomineralization

October 27, 2008

The teeth and bones of mammals, the protective shells of mollusks, and the needle-sharp spines of sea urchins and other marine creatures are made-from-scratch wonders of nature.

Heart of the Matter

September 10, 2008

Underground in Europe, thousands of scientists — using the largest accelerator ever built — are conducting a thrilling hunt. They’re looking for tiny particles that are the source of all matter’s mass, hoping to solve some of the biggest mysteries in physics. And UW–Madison researchers are right at the center of the action.

Curiosities: What’s behind the claims that the new particle accelerator in Europe may create black holes that could destroy the Earth? Should we be worried?

August 18, 2008

When the Large Hadron Collider starts running this summer near Geneva, Switzerland, some physicists have predicted that some of its high-energy proton collisions could…

South Pole researchers training this week at UW’s Physical Sciences Lab

August 4, 2008

This week marks the annual "Driller and Deployer Workshop" for research staff who will work at the South Pole as part of the well-known IceCube Neutrino Observatory project.

Hot subjects—Physics 206: ‘Seeking Truth: Living with Doubt’

September 30, 2007

Physics professor Marshall Onellion has a new job title this semester: official tackling dummy for his freshmen students. It’s part of his scheme to provoke controversial discussion and to get his students really thinking. Oddly enough, he’s instigating this debate in a physics class.

Mother-of-pearl: Classic beauty and remarkable strength

July 2, 2007

While the shiny material of pearls and abalone shells has long been prized for its iridescence and aesthetic value in jewelry and decorations, scientists admire mother-of-pearl for other physical properties as well.