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Hagen to lead student drama workshops

May 11, 2000

Tony Award-winning actress Uta Hagen plans to do a workshop forstudents during her visit next week to accept an honorary degree.

Faculty collaborations to yield new courses

May 10, 2000

A proposed class dealing with implications of human population growth and another on aspects of material culture have received $15,000 grants as part of a new teaching initiative at the university.

Alumni University program announced

May 9, 2000

The 11th annual Alumni University, June 19-23, combines fun and education in one event sponsored by the Division of Continuing Studies and the Wisconsin Alumni Association.

Bringing the ‘nanoworld’ within everyone’s reach

May 5, 2000

Scientists from the National Science Foundation-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center have developed a small kit containing a few simple hands-on demonstrations and a boiled-down knowledge of nanoscience encoded in an easy-to-understand picture book.

2 undergrads get prestigious fellowships

May 4, 2000

Two undergraduates, Hoda Ahmadi and Lauren Shapiro, have been awarded prestigious Pfizer summer research fellowships in molecular biology.

Students vie for technology enterprise awards

April 24, 2000

Awards totaling $24,500 and possible future business success await winners of a technology-based business plan competition Wednesday, April 26, on campus.

Bookstore grant supports students

April 18, 2000

A grant from the University Book Store allows for 20 Academic Excellence Awards of $1,000 each to undergraduate students who best demonstrated excellence by completing a project through independent study.

American Indian program instills new perspectives

April 14, 2000

The half-dozen courses offered this spring through the American Indian Studies Program are helping to foster an educational climate reflective of native values.

Times’ Johnson to be writer in residence

March 28, 2000

George Johnson, a prolific, award-winning New York Times science writer and author, has been named a Science Writer in Residence for the spring of 2000.

Undergrad research, service learning on display

March 20, 2000

Nearly 100 students will showcase their research and service learning projects Wednesday, April 5, at the second annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

UW joins national accessibility program

March 3, 2000

UW-Madison and Madison Area Technical College have been invited to join a select national program that aims to increase the success of disabled students on campuses.

Training program orients legislative staff

March 1, 2000

For many years, new state Assembly staff had almost no training to prepare them for their work with the state's lawmakers. A collaborative effort between the Division of Continuing Studies' Certified Public Manager program and the Assembly Speaker's Office has changed that.

New York Times ad columnist to visit

February 29, 2000

Stuart Elliott, the advertising columnist of the New York Times since 1991, will serve as this semester's business writer in residence March 20-24

Land Tenure Center ‘externships’ provide real-world exposure

February 29, 2000

The Summer Law Extern Program, a nationally unique project begun in 1997 by the Land Tenure Center, pairs law students with programs in communities that have "extreme unmet legal needs" regarding issues of land ownership. In exchange, the students gain invaluable real-world experience.

MBA Scholarship created for nonprofits

February 24, 2000

A special Executive Masters of Business Administration scholarship for someone currently working for a Wisconsin non-profit organization has been created at the School of Business by Dean Andrew J. Policano.

Microsoft official to dedicate computer graphics lab

February 16, 2000

Microsoft's University Relations Manager John Spencer will dedicate the art department's new Computer Graphics and Visualization Learning Laboratory on Wednesday, Feb. 23. Spencer will be joined in the dedication by members of the UW Foundation and the School of Education, which houses the Art Department.

New programs celebrate teaching excellence

February 2, 2000

Three new initiatives designed to reward and recognize teaching innovations and excellence will go into effect later this semester.

Language classes offered for business professionals

January 18, 2000

A continuing set of introductory-level language and culture courses designed to help business professionals communicate with their international counterparts will be held on the UW–Madison campus Jan. 24-March 22.

Students envision new look for Bascom-Ingraham area

December 27, 1999

The lounge area located at the back of Bascom Hall could receive a facelift if designs developed by students in an introductory course in interior design were to be implemented.

Veterinary program readies abandoned pets for homes �

December 7, 1999

Third- and fourth-year veterinary medicine students get essential hands-on training in a program that offers free pet care to aniamls from southern Wisconsin humane societies.