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Tag Entrepreneurship

Notable graduates: Kavi Turnbull — MBA entrepreneur, winner of UW Green Venture Award

May 14, 2009

With an unshakeable passion for entrepreneurship, master of business administration student and CEO Kavi Turnbull will graduate this spring.

Notable graduates: Ben Nyquist — Triple major brings eco-friendly electric bikes to campus

May 14, 2009

The road to college graduation was a bit greener for Ben Nyquist, co-founder of EnergE-Bikes.

Notable graduates: Prince Moody — Football player starts fitness program for low-income kids

May 14, 2009

UW-Madison student-athlete Prince Moody will graduate this spring with a bachelor's in history and a plan to give back to the community.

Contest to fund arts entrepreneurship

December 10, 2008

Faculty and staff are encouraged to alert students to a contest that funds entrepreneurship in art. The UW–Madison New Arts Venture Challenge seeks individuals or teams of up to three to develop and present a proposal that will result in an arts event, exhibition, series or project that demonstrates creativity, innovation, added value to the arts and potential for success.

Wiscontrepreneur scholarship winner profiles

November 19, 2008

Brian Benford is a social work major with a strong commitment to social entrepreneurship. Originally from Milwaukee, Brian has served as Program Director at the…