Search begins for next dean of Wisconsin School of Business

Grainger Hall, home of the Wisconsin School of Business. Founded in 1900, the school established one of the first five business programs in the nation. Photo: Jeff Miller
The search for the next dean of the Wisconsin School of Business is officially underway. The search and screen committee is inviting nominations and applications.
Founded in 1900, the school established one of the first five business programs in the nation. The dean serves as the chief academic and executive officer, with responsibility for faculty and staff development, personnel oversight, fundraising, budget planning and management, curriculum, and student academic affairs.
The school, with a budget of $69 million, comprises approximately 80 tenured and tenure track faculty, 220 professional staff and 40 university staff. WSB offers highly regarded degrees in the major fields of business, as well as executive and continuing education programs.
A 17-member search and screen committee will be chaired by Terry Warfield, professor of accounting and information systems, and is seeking candidates. The new dean will succeed François Ortalo-Magné, the Albert O. Nicholas Dean of the Wisconsin School of Business since 2011, who will depart Madison in summer 2017 to become dean of the London Business School.
“We are seeking a strong and inspiring leader who will continue to advance the Wisconsin School of Business as a leading business education and research enterprise,” Warfield says. “Such a leader will capitalize on the strong foundation of our BBA, MBA, master’s and Ph.D. programs to advance our research and teaching missions and the Wisconsin Idea, in the best traditions of a major public research university.”
Desired qualifications include extensive leadership experience in a higher education setting, demonstrated success as a collaborative and creative leader, knowledge of the competitive environment for business schools, strong management, communication and fundraising skills, and a commitment to diversity among students, faculty and staff, and to advancing an inclusive, diverse climate that stimulates excellence.
The committee intends to bring finalists to campus before the end of the spring semester, with the goal of selecting the new dean soon after. Finalists for the position will meet with senior campus leaders and other constituent groups, and will make public presentations to the Wisconsin School of Business community.
Other committee members include Tom Broman, professor, History of Science, College of Letters & Science; Betty Chewning, professor, School of Pharmacy; Trish Devine, professor, Psychology, College of Letters & Science; Robert Duessler, financial specialist, Chemistry, College of Letters & Science; Maureen Durkin, professor, Population Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Public Health; Jon Eckhardt, associate professor, Management & Human Resources, Wisconsin School of Business; Alyson Kim, director, Integrated Marketing Communications, Wisconsin School of Business; Page Moreau, professor, Marketing, Wisconsin School of Business; John Neis, CEO of Venture Investors LLC; Kayla Sergent Nordgren, student representative, Wisconsin School of Business; Erwan Quintin, associate professor, Real Estate & Urban Land Economics, Wisconsin School of Business; Nicholas Sanders, student representative, Wisconsin School of Business; Sarada, assistant professor, Management and Human Resources, Wisconsin School of Business; Karl Scholz, dean, College of Letters & Science; John Surdyk, faculty associate, Initiative for Studies in Transformational Entrepreneurship, Wisconsin School of Business; Stefan Wahe, security officer, IT Security, Division of Information Technology.
Position description and instructions
Questions? Email the search committee, or call 890-1661.