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Scientists find potential weapon against tuberculosis infection

December 13, 2006

The discovery of a unique copper-repressing protein in the bacterium that causes tuberculosis in humans may pave the way toward new strategies for halting tuberculosis infection.

Wisconsin Alumni Association honors outstanding chapters

December 13, 2006

This fall, the Wisconsin Alumni Association (WAA) recognized nine official alumni chapters for their outstanding commitment to the University of Wisconsin–Madison and its graduates. The organizations were awarded Bascom status, the highest level alumni chapters can achieve.

Prestigious fellowship awarded to scientist

December 11, 2006

A postdoctoral researcher in the University of Wisconsin–Madison biochemistry department has been selected as a recipient of a prestigious new fellowship.

From a lowly yeast, researchers divine a clue to human disease

December 7, 2006

Working with a common form of brewer's yeast, University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have uncovered novel functions of a key protein that allow it to act as a master regulatory switch - a control that determines gene activity and that, when malfunctioning in humans, may contribute to serious neurological disorders.


December 6, 2006

Bret Bielema, the sixth rookie head coach in NCAA history to guide his team to 11 victories, has been named the Dave McClain Big…

Dance academy sends students to perform at Waisman Center

December 6, 2006

Students from the world-renowned Trinity Academy of Irish Dance will perform traditional Irish step dancing, replete with authentic costumes and music at the Waisman Center Children’s Theatre on Sunday, Dec. 10.

Holocaust made ‘Manifest’ in Jewish Theater Project production

December 6, 2006

“Manifest” playwright Brian Silberman takes great issue with films such as “Schindler’s List,” “Amistad” and “Dances With Wolves.”

Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection features two designers

December 6, 2006

Examples of Bonnie Cashin’s and Dorothy Liebes’ work are on display at the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection in Room 378 of the School of Human Ecology until Friday, Jan. 12. For details, call 262-1162 or visit

‘Daily Show’ producer to speak at winter commencement

December 6, 2006

Ben Karlin, executive producer of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Showâ€, and a 1993 UW–Madison graduate, will speak at the commencement on Sunday, December 17.

Exhibition shows mechanics of cultural influence

December 6, 2006

Aside from their aesthetic beauty, color woodcuts made in America, Britain and Japan at the turn of the last century also illustrate the unmistakable influence each culture had on the others. An exhibition of color woodcuts from those three countries is set to open at the Chazen Museum of Art on Saturday, Dec. 9.