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New Strategic Framework Available

April 8, 2009

UW-Madison has just completed a comprehensive process to develop a strategic framework that will guide and focus the university’s efforts during the next few years. Thousands of faculty, staff, students and alumni participated in a 10-year reaccreditation self-study, which laid the foundation for the framework. Titled “For Wisconsin and the World,” the plan includes a vision statement, guiding principles and six strategic priorities.

Writer’s Choice: Cinematheque finishes semester with film series

April 8, 2009

If gorging on films during the recent Wisconsin Film Festival has left you hungry for more, Cinematheque will satisfy with some tempting offerings to get you through the semester.

Choral Union presents ‘War Requiem’

April 8, 2009

For 11 horrific hours on the night of Nov. 14, 1940, thousands of Luftwaffe incendiaries and tons of explosives and air mines pounded Coventry, England. When the all-clear sliced through the morning light, hundreds of civilians were dead and injured, the city in shambles. Among the homes, shelters, hospitals, churches and buildings destroyed was the Cathedral of St. Michael, its skeleton of walls still standing among piles of smoldering debris, where people lay buried in the rubble.

Book Smart

April 8, 2009

Radio has always served as an ideal vehicle for the Wisconsin Idea, pushing the boundaries of the university far beyond Madison. Jim Fleming recalls a colleague telling how, as a young mother from tiny Bayfield, Wisconsin Public Radio served as her connection to the world beyond her child-rearing life.

Employee Matters

April 8, 2009

This column is prepared by staff from the Office of Human Resources. E-mail questions to or call 262-5650. For more information, visit

Administrative Process Redesign work apparent around campus

April 8, 2009

With the help of many project volunteers, the Administrative Process Redesign project’s efforts are being felt campuswide.

Leading scientists highlight stem cell symposium

April 8, 2009

A cadre of North America’s leading stem cell scientists will land in Madison on Wednesday, April 15, for the fourth annual Wisconsin Stem Cell Symposium: Cancer, Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells.