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Students to ‘undertake’ black comedy . . . in German

April 9, 1999

Drama student at UW–Madison will stage Swiss playwright Friedrich Duerrenmatt's 'Der Meteor' in its original German April 12-14 at the Memorial Union's Fredric March Play Circle. The shows are free but advance reservations are required.

Academic staff awards

April 8, 1999

For their outstanding work in leadership, public service, research and teaching, seven campus professionals have been honored with 1999 Academic Staff Excellence Awards.

McCubbin to step aside as dean of School of Human Ecology

April 8, 1999

Hamilton I. McCubbin, who has served as dean of the School of Human Ecology for nearly 15 years, will step down as dean July 1.

European economics expert to speak on euro

April 8, 1999

Wolfgang Munchau, international journalist and expert on the European Economic and Monetary Union, will discuss the European economy and its new currency, the euro, Friday, April 9 at 4151 Grainger Hall.

Filmmaker Sauvage to visit Apr. 8

April 8, 1999

Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Pierre Sauvage will speak tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union.

Service learning broadens education

April 7, 1999

The idea of volunteering as coursework has been gaining momentum in the last several years, both at UW–Madison and other institutions.

Classified staff awards

April 7, 1999

For the 1999 recipients of UW–Madison Classified Employee Recognition Awards, job descriptions simply will not do justice to their contributions.

71st annual student art show to open at Memorial Union

April 7, 1999

UW-Madison student art will be on display in Memorial Union from April 7-May 2 in the Wisconsin Union Directorate's 71st Annual Student Art Show.

Broder to speak at Kastenmeier Colloquium

April 7, 1999

David Broder, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The Washington Post, will be the keynote speaker at the UW Law School's 1999 Robert W. Kastenmeier Colloquium.

Study: Child abuse can alter brain development

April 6, 1999

A new study by a Seth Pollack suggests that an abused child's ability to recognize anger is strong enough to actually trigger biological changes, altering the way the brain processes anger.

Learning about leadership

April 6, 1999

Particpants in UW–Madison's Leadership Institute, a yearlong program to build leadership skills in junior- and senior-level faculty and staff, gain a keener awareness of self and others as they broaden their perspective as leaders.

Teaching awards

April 6, 1999

The university's 1999 Distinguished Teaching Award winners take a good deal of pride in introducing a variety of innovations into an ancient art, using instructional tools.

Campus police honor six for help, service to community

April 6, 1999

Six civilians received 1998 director's awards from the University Police Department at its annual awards ceremony in March.

Campus police employees recognized for service

April 6, 1999

Twenty-five University Police Department employees have received Excellent Service commendations.

Plant compounds slow the growth of tumor cells

April 5, 1999

Researchers at UW–Madison report in the current issue of the Journal of Nutrition that small concentrations of two compounds from plants we eat suppress the growth of three kinds of human cancer cells in the laboratory.

Baseball energizes registrar

April 5, 1999

Buried deep in new registrar Monty Nielsen's vita is a curious reference to baseball. What does being a registrar have to do with baseball? Everything, if you're Nielsen.

Park Street construction resumes

April 5, 1999

The second summer of Park Street reconstruction between Regent Street and University Avenue resumes today (April 5).

Former Miss America to speak about sexual assault issues

April 5, 1999

Former Miss America Marilyn Van Derbur will speak about sexual assault and her recovery from incest Tuesday, April 6, on campus.

Modeling the scientific method

April 2, 1999

University researchers have helped achieve a startling effect by using models to teach mathematics and science to elementary school students: Fifth graders are performing at 12th grade levels.

Sean Curran to be dance artist-in-residence April 5-25

April 2, 1999

Sean Curran, a renowned dancer/choreographer currently based in New York, will be artist-in-residence at the UW–Madison Dance Program Monday, April 5 through Sunday, April 25.