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Four faculty elected to AAAS

May 7, 1999

Four UW–Madison faculty have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an honorary society devoted to scholarly work that addresses social problems and needs.

Carpenter receives national lake research award

May 7, 1999

Limnology professor Steve Carpenter recently received the G. Evelyn Hutchinson Award for excellence in lake research from the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.

Polygon Engineering Council bestows teaching awards

May 7, 1999

Polygon Engineering Council, the University of Wisconsin–Madison engineering college council of student organizations, announced its annual teaching excellence award winner.

University Book Store honors 20 undergraduates

May 7, 1999

A grant from the University Book Store allows for 20 Academic Excellence Awards of $1,000 each to University of Wisconsin–Madison undergraduate students who best demonstrated excellence by completing a project through independent study.

Hubble Space Telescope image has Wisconsin flavor

May 6, 1999

Four scientists with Wisconsin ties are part of a team who played a key role in the selection of the latest object to be observed by the Hubble Heritage Project - a public outreach program of the Space Telescope Science Institute.

Madison teacher among education alumni to be honored

May 6, 1999

A Madison teacher will be among those receiving alumni awards from the School of Education on Saturday, May 8.

Student service workers honored

May 6, 1999

Service "beyond the call of duty" to students has earned five UW–Madison staffers and a special team awards from the university's Student Personnel Association.

UW Press reorganizes, reflecting publishing trends nationwide

May 6, 1999

Redirecting the UW Press will transform it into a stronger, more streamlined publisher of scholarly and popular books, officials hope.

A brush with the saola

May 5, 1999

If there's a common wisdom to field biology, it is to expect the unexpected. And the last thing primatologist Nancy Ruggeri expected to encounter was the saola - a spindle-horned animal that is possibly the last of the world's large mammals to be discovered.

Two faculty receive Shaw Scientist Awards

May 5, 1999

Two UW–Madison School of Medicine professors have been chosen to receive $200,000 Shaw Scientist Awards by the Milwaukee Foundation.

Lincoln statue to get cleaning

May 5, 1999

As part of the sesquicentennial, the university has contracted to have the bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln on the top of Bascom Hill restored to its original appearance - a dark brown-green.

Memorial planned for UW grad who touched many lives

May 5, 1999

Friends, relatives and colleagues on May 23 will celebrate the life of Antoinette "Tony" Derjani-Bayeh, a UW–Madison Ph.D. graduate whose life was tragically cut short in a traffic accident.

Chancellor appoints Dean of Students search committee

May 5, 1999

Chancellor David Ward announced May 3 the appointment of a search and screen committee to select a new dean of students.

Indonesian political prisoner, writer to speak

May 5, 1999

Described by many as Indonesia's greatest living writer, Pramoedya Anata Toer is in Madison this week to promote his new memoir, "A Mute's Soliloquy."

Plants found to use genes to recruit microbial cavalry

May 4, 1999

In the battle against the legions of lethal soil pathogens that beset crops, plants, apparently, have the ability to summon the microbial cavalry.

Researchers plot a strategic plan to reduce state highway headaches

May 4, 1999

As the season of jackhammers and dust descends on state highways, it might be reassuring to know that a statewide research effort could ultimately reduce road-maintenance headaches. That's just one goal of the new Wisconsin Highway Research Program.

TAs recognized for excellent teaching

May 4, 1999

For performance that went above and beyond their job title, eight teaching assistants were honored this month with 1999 Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Awards.

UW-Madison student receives Arthur Ashe award

May 3, 1999

Shannon Brown, a Chancellor's Scholar and one of the most honored players in Badger women's soccer history, has received the 1998-99 Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholar Award from Black Issues in Higher Education.

Van Hise monolith gains national historic status

May 3, 1999

Tucked away in the Baraboo River Valley gorge is the rock that made Wisconsin famous.

Greenpeace founder to lecture today

May 3, 1999

Patrick Moore, a founding member of Greenpeace, will give the Roddis Lecture today at 3:30 p.m. at the State Historical Society auditorium on the UW–Madison campus. His speech is entitled "Environmentalism for the 21st Century."