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Two L&S advisers honored

May 14, 1999

The consistent delivery of good academic advice to students at the university has earned William D. Miller and Edgar P. Spalding awards from the 138-major College of Letters and Science.

Three students receive lunar research awards

May 14, 1999

Three UW–Madison students have received the first fellowship awards given by the National Space Society's Center for Lunar Research.

The sky’s no limit

May 14, 1999

Biomolecular chemistry staffer Joe Oliva trades on his photography skills to fly high with military jet jockeys.

Faculty salaries still lag

May 14, 1999

In the past year, salaries for full and associate professors rose slightly compared to UW–Madison's peer institutions, while the pay level for assistant professors maintained its same position among the 11 peer universities, according to the Faculty Senate's Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits.

Sheppard named assistant dean of students

May 14, 1999

Janice Sheppard, who has served as interim assistant dean of students since 1997, has been named permanently to the post, Dean of Students Mary Rouse announced Thursday, May 13.

Senate resets tenure clock

May 14, 1999

Campus departments will have more flexibility to determine how long the tenure clock ticks under a proposal approved by the Faculty Senate.

Type of celebration

May 14, 1999

Silver Buckle Press, the working museum of printing history, caps its silver anniversary year with wood in the form of a new book. "Specimen Book of Wood Type" thoroughly catalogs the museum's more than 80 wood-type holdings.

Morgan picked for Olympic Academy of Sciences

May 13, 1999

William P. Morgan, professor of kinesiology and an international authority on sport psychology, has been selected to be a founding member of the International Olympic Committee's Olympic Academy of Science.

Software deals in making

May 13, 1999

There's been a lot of buzz on campus about the UW System's negotiation with Microsoft Corp. over a new software buying agreement, buzz set off by the market domination of Bill Gates' behemoth.

New Terrace T-shirts available

May 13, 1999

Two new Wisconsin Union T-shirts are now on sale. One is a Picasso-esque design depicting summer fun at the Memorial Union Terrace. The other, a turtle with the Terrace chair-back for a shell, is the first Wisconsin Union T-shirt designed for kids.

Six faculty get Lilly teaching fellowships

May 12, 1999

New or revised courses in speech, religious studies and physical science will be options for UW–Madison students in the coming academic year through the Lilly Teaching Fellows program.

Adults overcome challenges of returning to school

May 12, 1999

For both of this year's winners of UW–Madison's Outstanding Undergraduate Returning Adult Student Awards, the path to graduation has included an extra twist: commuting from a long distance to campus.

International Studies refines procedures for emergencies

May 12, 1999

The Office of International Studies and Programs has issued new guidelines for managing emergencies involving students in study-abroad programs, if and when they occur.

Campus libraries plan electronic catalog upgrade

May 10, 1999

A new electronic catalog is coming soon to libraries here and on other UW System campuses - overdue and just in the nick of time.

Workplace learning conference scheduled in Milwaukee

May 10, 1999

The Fourth Annual Workplace Learning Conference, sponsored by the Center on Education and Work at UW–Madison, will draw more than 1,000 people from 42 states and six nations May 16-18 in Milwaukee.

Honorary degree recipients announced

May 10, 1999

Distinguished achievers with Wisconsin and global ties will be awarded honorary degrees during commencement ceremonies in May.

Seniors receive Herfurth-Kubly awards

May 10, 1999

Two UW–Madison seniors have received the Herfurth-Kubly Award based on their academic achievements, degree of self-support, extracurricular activities, communication skills and contribution to the community.

Regents honor Steinberg of UW Press

May 10, 1999

Elizabeth Steinberg, assistant director of the University of Wisconsin Press, is one of two recipients of the 1999 Regents Administrative and Professional Academic Staff Excellence Award for Outstanding Service.

4,000 to graduate May 14-16

May 10, 1999

A weekend of beginnings commences Friday, May 14, for the approximately 4,000 university students eligible to graduate this spring.

Learning to eat, eating to learn

May 7, 1999

In the midst of midterms, while most professors fed students exams, Jack Kloppenburg simply fed them.