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Parking, traffic flow change during forensics meet

April 14, 1999

Campus parking and traffic will be affected by the annual Wisconsin High School Forensic Association State Speech Festival is being held on campus this weekend.

ISIS moving forward

April 14, 1999

The largest part of the conversion to UW–Madison's new student record system is complete, and campus officials overseeing the project say the transition has gone fairly smoothly.

Waste wallboard shows promise for the farm

April 13, 1999

One day those unused scraps of clean wallboard from construction sites and remodeling projects may be crushed and spread on agricultural fields.

‘Out and About’ events scheduled on campus

April 13, 1999

Several student groups at UW–Madison are busily preparing for more than a week of events celebrating the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual community.

Study shows women’s farm role

April 12, 1999

Until agricultural economist Lydia Zepeda did her research, all the economic models of technology adoption assumed that farms had one decision-maker, typically the male head of the household.

Lights! Camera! Learning!

April 12, 1999

A new School of Education project called the Kid-to-Kid Video Exchange Project aims to develop a network of K-8 classrooms that create and share videos as an essential element of their social studies curriculum.

Conference to examine language and literature training

April 12, 1999

The Modern Language Association of America conference to be hosted this week by UW–Madison will examine key issues expected to shape graduate studies in English, comparative literature, and foreign languages and literature.

NPR science correspondent to visit

April 12, 1999

Richard Harris, science correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR), has been named a 1999 Science Writer in Residence by UW–Madison and will spend a week on the UW–Madison campus beginning Monday, April 12.

Herbicide use planned in campus natural areas

April 12, 1999

Efforts to restore and maintain native vegetation in the Campus Natural Areas' will again involve the application of chemical herbicides.

Holley to speak at multicultural center anniversary

April 12, 1999

The Multicultural Student Center's 10th anniversary celebration April 19-23 will showcase the opportunities it provides to students and members of the community.

Pro Arte Quartet featured at Madison Art Center event

April 12, 1999

UW-Madison's Pro Arte Quartet will be the featured performers in the Thursday, April 15, installment of the Madison Art Center-Madison Symphony celebration of the 20th century's art, "Decade by Decade."

Survey reveals campus computing trends

April 9, 1999

Computer users at UW–Madison choose Netscape for World Wide Web browsing while Microsoft products dominate traditional desktop computing, a new survey shows.

Free, anonymous HIV testing available at Blue Bus Clinic

April 9, 1999

Free, confidential and anonymous HIV tests are available to all at the Blue Bus Clinic, University Health Services' sexually transmitted infections clinic.

Reaccrediting site team to review university progress

April 9, 1999

A team of faculty and university administrators will be touring the campus April 11-14 as part of UW–Madison's 10-year reaccreditation.

First UW–Madison water ski team to debut

April 9, 1999

Splashing through the water at 50 miles an hour, UW–Madison students will be seen water skiing and wake boarding on Lake Mendota and Monona Bay this spring.

Grand re-opening of Red Gym Saturday

April 9, 1999

On Saturday, April 10, tours, music, a photo exhibition and other festivities will welcome visitors to the grand re-opening of the Red Gym. Other activities also are scheduled.

Michael Moore’s ‘The Awful Truth’ to be aired

April 9, 1999

UW-Madison students who took part in the filming of a segment for documentary maker Michael Moore's new TV show last fall will get to see the final product when it debuts in the United States this Sunday, April 11, at 8 p.m. Madison time.

Dance video works to be screened Saturday

April 9, 1999

Assistant professor Douglas Rosenberg, an award-winning video maker, presents two new dance videos featuring renowned dancers Anna Halprin and Li Chiao-Ping on Saturday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Margaret H'Doubler Performance Space.

Students to ‘undertake’ black comedy . . . in German

April 9, 1999

Drama student at UW–Madison will stage Swiss playwright Friedrich Duerrenmatt's 'Der Meteor' in its original German April 12-14 at the Memorial Union's Fredric March Play Circle. The shows are free but advance reservations are required.

Academic staff awards

April 8, 1999

For their outstanding work in leadership, public service, research and teaching, seven campus professionals have been honored with 1999 Academic Staff Excellence Awards.