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Loftus to discuss U.S.-Europe relations

April 10, 2000

Tom Loftus, special advisor to the director-general of the World Health Organization, will visit campus April 17-18.

Noted cancer genetics researcher to speak

April 10, 2000

Sir Walter Bodmer, an internationally recognized researcher in cancer genetics and the genetics of human populations, will be featured speaker at the James F. Crow lecture Tuesday, April 18.

Emotion symposium set for April 13-14

April 10, 2000

Seven of the world's leading emotion researchers will convene in Madison April 13-14.

Space Place leaders honored

April 10, 2000

The Madison Astronomical Society has named James Lattis and Kay Kriewald of UW–Madison's Space Place as recipients of its Astronomy Education and Outreach Award for the year 2000.

Grant boosts study of human security issues

April 10, 2000

A recent grant renewal will help the Global Studies Program continue its inquiry into human security issues.

Dean of students finalists schedule visits

April 10, 2000

The third of four finalists for the dean of students position will visit with students and others on campus this week, UW–Madison officials say.

Students organize hip hop culture conference

April 7, 2000

The university will host 'Hip Hop Generation - Hip Hop as a Movement', a conference dedicated solely to youth empowerment and social change through hip hop culture, April 14-16.

Restoration ecologist battles invading plants

April 7, 2000

In the face of a pernicious invading foe, what's a restoration biologist to do? If you're the director of research at one of the world's leading centers of restoration ecology - the art and science of rebuilding lost or threatened landscapes - you experiment.

Students win business plan competition

April 7, 2000

A team of MBA and Ph.D. students took first place and the grand prize of $10,000 April 2 at Venture Challenge 2000, the 11th annual Student Business Plan Competition at San Diego State University.

Regents approve chancellor search

April 7, 2000

The search for a new UW–Madison chancellor is officially under way. The UW System Board of Regents Friday, April 7, approved the search for a new chief executive to replace David Ward, who is stepping down at the end of the year.

Shuttle experiment set to blast off

April 6, 2000

University scientists have a chance in April to build evidence that microgravity is fertile ground for crop improvement.

Tickets still available for Ruben Blades

April 6, 2000

Tickets are still available to hear Ruben Blades, a Panamanian activist, actor and Grammy award-winning musician, who will speak and perform this weekend at the university.

EEOC vice chair to speak

April 6, 2000

Paul M. Igasaki, vice chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, will give the keynote address at the law school's annual LEO Banquet on Saturday, April 8.

Neon exhibition honors memory of student

April 6, 2000

A multi-university tribute in neon to the memory of a faculty member's son will be on display April 7-8 on Library Mall.

Power restored on west campus

April 6, 2000

A brief power outage on the west end of campus was caused by a failed component in a Madison Gas & Electric power line.

Bundesbank chief to talk on European economy

April 5, 2000

Ernst Welteke, head of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany's central bank, will speak Friday, April 14 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fluno Center, 601 University Ave.

Hilldale faculty awards recipients announced

April 5, 2000

Four university faculty members have been chosen to receive this year's Hilldale Awards for major achievements in teaching, research and service.

Cell membrane protein reduces cholesterol

April 5, 2000

A cell membrane protein thought mainly to bind 'bad' cholesterol and remove it from circulation also plays a major role in reducing the production of that cholesterol, according to a study published this February in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Nature’s path leads to new antibiotic strategy

April 5, 2000

By mimicking one of nature's own potent antimicrobial defenses, scientists may have found a new way to wage war on pathogenic bacteria.

Sexual assault awareness events planned

April 4, 2000

Jackson Katz, nationally known educator and trainer on issues of masculinity and violence, will start off Sexual Assault Awareness Week this Sunday, April 9, with a talk entitled 'More Than A Few Good Men: A Lecture on American Manhood and Violence Against Women.'