Photo gallery Family Weekend: a time to share campus fun
Students and their parents and siblings ate, talked and played games together during the Badger Family Weekend events as they soaked in the atmosphere of the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on a beautiful fall weekend. Hosted by the Parent and Family Program, 8,500 people from more than 2,500 registered families took part in a variety of campus activities plus discounted athletic and community events. Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin joined in some of the fun, meeting students and their families.

Photo by: Jeff Miller
Chancellor Mnookin welcomed students and their families to campus during a reception in Great Hall at the Memorial Union.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
At center, Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin and Lori Reesor, vice chancellor of student affairs, throw up W hand signs with an audience of nearly 500 people, many of them parents of UW students.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
People work on craft projects at the Chazen Museum of Art during a Family Weekend event.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Jennifer Cramer and her daughter, Ruby, work on a craft project during a Family Weekend event. Cramer’s son, Jackson, is a first-year student at UW–Madison and was off practicing piano at a nearby music building.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
The sun shone and the water sparkled, as campus put on its best face for the visiting families.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
A game of spike ball keeps everyone entertained at the Memorial Union Terrace along Lake Mendota.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Siblings Tyler Young, an alumnus and graduate student, and Ashley Westphal, an alumna, pose for a photo holding Westphal’s two children (Harper, 2, and Teddy, 3 months) during a Badger Family Fest event.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Students' families got to know each other over some friendly lawn games at the Memorial Union Terrace and Alumni Park along Lake Mendota.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Second from left, UW–Madison senior Karen Bobadilla and her extended family, all from Fond du Lac, Wis., pose for a photo with Bucky Badger.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Chancellor Mnookin poses for a photo with twin sisters Rochelle Brown, left, and Michelle Young (mother of two UW students).
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Family Weekend participants pose for photos near the Motion W logo on the football field at Camp Randall Stadium.Tags: Parent Program, recent sightings, students