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Dean of students to host listening session on LGBT issues

November 25, 2009 By John Lucas

Do you have ideas or opinions about LGBT services and resources on campus? LGBT Campus Center Director Eric Trekell and Dean of Students Lori Berquam are hosting a listening session for UW–Madison community students, faculty and staff.

The session will be held in the Paul Bunyan Room of Memorial Union at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 1.

This forum will serve as an opportunity for campus community members to share their thoughts on how the Offices of the Dean of Students and LGBT Campus Center can continue to improve and grow in future years, as well as to guide LGBT leaders on campus in advocating for LGBT issues within the framework of the university’s new Inclusive Excellence diversity initiative.

“We’ll be conducting a number of events in coming months, including listening sessions, surveys, and focus groups for the purpose of hearing what the university’s LGBT community members and their allies consider to be the challenges they face,” says Trekell. “We’re also interested in receiving input on services and activities for continuing to moving our campus forward and making this a more inclusive community for all of its members.”

“This is an opportunity for you to express your concerns and offer suggestions for improvement in a forum where your voice is guaranteed to be heard,” he adds.

For more information or questions, please contact Trekell at or (608) 265-2480.