Photo gallery Comet watching at Pine Bluff
A group of people gathered at UW–Madison’s Pine Bluff Observatory in Cross Plains earlier this week to see a rare sight. Comet NEOWISE – officially called C/2020 F3 – passed overhead and was visible to the naked eye, although binoculars helped. On July 22-23, Comet NEOWISE ventured close to Earth, passing at some 64 million miles away. Sky watchers were also treated to the sight of a beautiful waxing crescent moon in the western twilight sky.

Photo by: Jeff Miller
Stars shine in the night sky above UW-Madison's Pine Bluff Observatory in Cross Plains on July 22, 2020. The view is looking to the south.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Comet NEOWISE – officially called C/2020 F3 – passes overhead in the night sky in Cross Plains on July 22.