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Category Science & Technology

Slide show: Bucky (and friends) go to the fair

August 8, 2008

Cream puffs and the giant slide aside, the Wisconsin State Fair is a great venue for learning new things about the world — making it an ideal spot for UW–Madison to settle in for a day. On Wednesday, Aug. 6, the university did just that by bringing a sampling of science, music and athletics to the citizens of the state during UW–Madison Day at the Fair.

South Pole researchers training this week at UW’s Physical Sciences Lab

August 4, 2008

This week marks the annual "Driller and Deployer Workshop" for research staff who will work at the South Pole as part of the well-known IceCube Neutrino Observatory project.

Emerald ash borer detected in state: experts available for comment

August 4, 2008

Today (Aug. 4), the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) announced the first identification of emerald ash borer in the state of Wisconsin. The following are experts in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and UW-Extension who can provide expert commentary on what the identification means and the implications for Wisconsin’s trees.

Curiosities: What will be the most likely fuel to replace gasoline?

July 31, 2008

“What are the major benefits of using cellulosic ethanol to fuel our cars? We reduce spending on importing energy, have the potential to do…

Curiosities: Which saves more gas: driving with windows closed, and the AC on, or AC off, and windows open?

July 30, 2008

That depends on conditions. “Today’s cars are designed to be very aerodynamic,” says Glenn Bower, a senior scientist at the Engine Research Center…

Recent sightings: Grandparents U.

July 25, 2008

Sam Iida and his grandfather take part in a hands-on learning exercise highlighting dairy science during Grandparents University on July 22. Grandparents University…