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Recent Advances of Physical-Chemical Phenomena of Pharmaceutical Interest: A Symposium Honoring George Zografi

February 28, 2006

An important element of the drug development process is the preformulation and formulation of drugs into stable and functioning pharmaceutical dosage forms. Consistent with the career-long research interests of George Zografi, this symposium will be concerned with the physical chemistry underlying the stability and use of small organic molecules, proteins and phospholipids in pharmaceutical products, with the goal of ultimately attaining molecular-level understanding and predictability. In the morning, attention will be devoted to small molecules and those factors that govern important physical phenomena, such as aqueous solubility and crystallization under various conditions of processing, storage and use.

In the afternoon, attention will be given to local thermodynamic and kinetic factors that play a major role in the physical and chemical stability of small molecules, proteins and phospholipid bilayers and monolayers as they are exposed to various process conditions. The symposium is Saturday, June 10, 2006, in Alumni Hall, Health Sciences Learning Center. Registration begins at 8 a.m., and the symposium begins at 8:30 a.m. Advance registration is required, but the symposium is free; see the online registration Web site at, which will be active at the beginning of March.

Tags: research