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Photo gallery Bucky photos, donuts and coffee

December 4, 2018

Students dropped by Bascom Hall’s rotunda on Dec. 4 for a chance to take a photo with the Graduation Bucky statue in Bascom Hall, as well as enjoy some free coffee and donuts. The event was hosted by the senior class officers for 2018-19.


Photo: Students help themselves to free coffee and donuts.

UW-Madison senior class officers for the 2018-19 academic year offer free coffee and donuts to students in the rotunda of Bascom Hall on Dec. 4. Student were also welcome to take a photo with the Graduation Bucky statue on display in the space. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Five people in front of a Bucky Badger statue.

UW-Madison senior class officers pose with the Graduation Bucky statue in the rotunda of Bascom Hall. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Two people post in front of a Bucky Badger statue. They flash the W.

UW-Madison senior class officers Ronald Steinhoff, president, and Caroline Matkom, vice president, take a photo with the Graduation Bucky statue in the rotunda of Bascom Hall. Photo by: Bryce Richter

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