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Dance party to raise money for children’s hospital

February 18, 2011

University of Wisconsin–Madison students spend thousands of hours volunteering each semester. But one special service project also aims to raise more than $80,000 for American Family Children’s Hospital today (Feb. 18) through the power of dance.

The Wisconsin Dance Marathon, now in its third year, is the only dance charity in the country that contributes to the American Family Children’s Hospital.

The dance marathon concept began at Penn State, where students raised more than $6.6 million in 2008 for Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital.

Dancers commit to raising a minimum of $125 before the event and 15 hours at the marathon itself. Participants must remain dancing, or at least standing, throughout the night. The number of hours has increased from 12 hours during the first marathon to 15 this year. Organizers are also expecting more than 400 people to dance the night away.

“Fifteen hours might seem daunting, but there is so much to do, you wouldn’t believe how quickly it goes by!” says Kari Wolter, public relations chair for the event.

What makes the UW–Madison event special is the support organizers receive from both UW–Madison and the community, including students and Dean Lori Berquam, Wolter says.

The proximity of the hospital may also give many students a special connection to the event that organizers try to highlight throughout the all-night dance marathon with speakers from the hospital, Wolter adds. The night is also filled with fun activities and the chance to meet new people.

“It’s fun, but it’s also a very meaningful experience — and exhausting. But it’s the best exhaustion I’ve ever experienced,” Wolter says.

The marathon has evolved over the years, with special lingo attached to the event. Throughout the night, chants of “FBK” can be heard, which stands for “For the Kids,” a slogan Wolter says serves as a constant reminder to everyone dancing why they are there.

“It’s amazing how three letters can keep people motivated and energized,” Wolter says.

The Wisconsin Dance Marathon will be held Friday-Saturday, Feb. 18-19, at the Memorial Union. Dancers can register early at or at the door. UW–Madison students and community members can also support the hospital through a $50 donation and a chance to spend four hours dancing.