175th Anniversary: Test your knowledge about UW’s campus

The UW–Madison campus is filled with rich history, if you know where to look. Photo: Jeff Miller
A university is more than the bricks and mortar that make up its buildings. But although what happens inside is more important than the four walls outside any lab, lecture hall or library, the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s distinctive built environment enriches daily life on campus.
And so, for the university’s 175th anniversary, we thought we’d quiz you on 175 fun facts about the buildings that comprise our physical footprint. But you don’t have time for that (you have 175 unread emails as it is), and neither do we.
Would you settle for 17.5? Deal!
Here is a fun-size serving of facts behind the facades where a demisemiseptcentennial’s worth of campus history was made.
Campus buildings
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