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Wisconsin Advertising Project analysis

October 31, 2008 By Dennis Chaptman

The Wisconsin Advertising Project today released an analysis showing that Democrat Barack Obama outspent Republican John McCain on television advertising nearly 3-to-1 between Oct. 21 and Oct. 28.

“Political scientists usually think that presidential races are poor places to find advertising effects because both campaigns typically have similar resources and air ads in similar markets,” says Ken Goldstein, University of Wisconsin–Madison political science professor and director of the project. “The advertising advantage held by the Obama campaign this year puts us in uncharted waters.”

During that period, television ad spending in the presidential race totaled nearly $38 million.

The project’s detailed analysis includes state-by-state comparisons and television market data.

The Wisconsin Advertising Project, affiliated with the university’s Department of Political Science, is considered the single most important and credible source of information on campaign TV advertising. It is funded by a grant from the Joyce Foundation.