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Ward to step down; lauds university momentum

March 21, 2000

Chancellor David Ward, who announced March 17 that he will step down as the institution’s chief executive Jan. 1, says the university must continue to build on its global outreach and presence, with support from the public and private sectors of the state.

David Ward, who will be the Big 10’s longest-serving chancellor by year’s end, announces his plans to step down as chancellor Jan. 1 to a packed room of reporters and university community members. Ward has served as chancellor since June 1993, a term of service that is three years longer than the average length for university chancellors. Photo: Jeff Miller

The Ward Legacy
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“This is not only one of the world’s great universities, it is a model of what I believe will be required of great universities in the 21st century,” Ward says. “It is one of the truly priceless assets of the state of Wisconsin and all of its citizens.”

Instructional technology will constantly redefine teaching and communication, he says, while research will continue to apply knowledge gained and solve problems.

“I can in good conscience step aside, knowing the university is positioned for greatness in the new century. We have many things going for us,” Ward says.

“UW-Madison has tremendous momentum, and this momentum is carrying the university into the future, where it will continue to grow and change, and where it will maintain its position at the head of the list of great places of learning.”

Under Ward’s leadership since June 1993, the university has substantially improved undergraduate education, through improved advising, stronger core curriculum and expanded research opportunities for students.

Ward will take a sabbatical during 2001 and then return to the Andrew Hill Clark Professorship of Geography. He also will begin in a newly funded faculty chair.

Ward says he has been considering his decision since last summer. UW System leaders say they will begin an international search for his replacement.