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WAA and DCS offer online marathon training course

December 23, 2001 By Cheryl Porior-Mayhew

Beginning Jan. 23, Wisconsin Alumni Lifelong Learning will offer an online course designed to prepare UW–Madison alumni and friends for marathon and endurance running.

The course, taught by Ron Carda of UW–Madison’s Kinesiology Department, is designed for avid runners with varying levels of experience. Participants will learn and train alongside alumni, students and friends from around the country.

An experienced marathon runner himself, Carda teaches a marathon training course to students. Carda’s new online will guide trainees through the process of designing and implementing a personal training plan. Participants will be encouraged to stay in regular contact with Carda through e-mail, as he will provide individual feedback and coaching throughout the course.

The online marathon training course is the first stage in a two-part marathon series. Wisconsin Alumni Association‘s Marathon Weekend, May 24-27, offers alumni and friends the opportunity to compete in the annual Mad City Marathon, stay at the Fluno Center for Executive Education and take part in a special program, which includes pre-race instruction from Carda, meals and social time with fellow classmates. Online course participants will also receive a discount on the Marathon Weekend event.

The customized online course material will accommodate those who want to prepare for their first marathon as well as help experienced distance runners who wish to take their training to the next level. In addition, class members will interact in an online message board designed to share ideas, questions and encouragement.

Wisconsin Alumni Lifelong Learning is an initiative of the Wisconsin Alumni Association and the Division of Continuing Studies. Course fee: $90 (WAA members pay $75). Register online.