UW students’ laptop stickers show off their personalities
In a school of 40,000, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd, but Badgers have a knack for individuating themselves.
One of the ways Badgers show off their uniqueness is their laptop stickers. Students at UW adorn their laptops with a wide variety of stickers — from bands logos and movie quotes to puns and political statements.
You can tell a lot about a student from these sticker choices. See what you can glean from these 15 student laptops that are brimming with originality.
Senior Maggie Heinemann, who is majoring in mechanical engineering, says she reserves her laptop for only her very best stickers. The first sticker that she got is the one that says “run happy” from Brooks, which she received along with some unicorn tattoos by writing them a letter asking for stickers. Another one of her favorites is the picture of her dad from when he ran for Village President in Waunakee.
“Well I have this pizza sticker on it because I like eating a lot,” Heinemann says. “There’s a picture of my dad on it because I also like my dad a lot. I have a lot of stickers of running stuff and biking, and then I have Bucky Badger because I go here.”

Senior Maggie Heinemann’s laptop stickers Emily Hamer
UW sophomore Lena Stojiljkovic, a music major, says her laptop gives her the opportunity to express parts of herself and her culture, but that’s not the best part of her laptop.
“Although I love representing my culture and my favorite bands, by far my favorite sticker is the one with Kevin [from the Office] with the chili,” Stojiljkovic says.

Sophomore Lena Stojiljkovic’s laptop Emily Hamer
Like Stojiljkovic, Amelia Moore, a sophomore majoring in political science and psychology, says her laptop describes who she is as a person.
“I really like the stickers that I pick because I feel like they describe me as a person and what I like,” Moore says.

Sophomore Amelia Moore’s laptop Emily Hamer
UW freshman Eva Hyndiuk says her stickers are important to her because they are “aesthetically pleasing.”
“I was in a bee parade which is why I did this, ‘save the bees,'” Hyndiuk says. “And, obviously Bucky Badger because Wisconsin.”

Freshman Eva Hyndiuk’s laptop Emily Hamer
Daniel Winogradoff, a junior studying journalism and creative writing, has everything from a Kanye West album cover to the WSUM radio logo to a bee on his laptop.
“My laptop covering would be kind of boring without them, but it also just like expresses my interests and who I am as a person,” Winogradoff says.

Junior Daniel Winogradoff’s laptop Emily Hamer
UW student Yeonseo Jeong says her favorite sticker is one that says “I don’t care for your casual misogyny” because it sends people a message.
“That’s what I want to say to people who don’t know what feminism is, and say stuff like ‘feminism is woman over man,'” Jeong says. “That’s just my message for people like that.”

UW student Yeonseo Jeong’s laptop Emily Hamer
Sophia Degeuzman, a sophomore majoring in political science, says she likes it when people can relate to her stickers.
“I like having stickers because I think they’re good conversation starters,” Degeuzman says.

Sophomore Sophia Degeuzman’s laptop Emily Hamer
Erin Hepp, a UW sophomore majoring in cartography geographic information systems, says she also likes the conversations that are started because of her stickers.
“I think my favorite sticker is the ‘porn is lame’ because it facilitates conversation that people obviously wouldn’t feel comfortable about otherwise,” Hepp says.

Sophomore Erin Hepp’s laptop Emily Hamer
UW sophomore Noah Wlotarski, a neurobiology major, is from the Milwaukee area and has a sticker from the BelAir Cantina restaurant in Milwaukee, a restaurant that just opened a new location in Madison.
“I like tacos,” Wlotarski says. “So, BelAir is pretty sweet.”

Sophomore Noah Wlotarski’s laptop Emily Hamer
Carolyn Mahn, a senior studying biological systems engineering, says she’s proud of being from Wisconsin and the Milwaukee area, so a lot of her stickers center around that.
“The Great Lakes sticker is pretty basic, but I love it because water is the lifeblood,” Mahn says. “BelAir Milwaukee — the original BelAir, not this Madison one. And ‘I like milk,’ which is true, but also I’m kind of lactose intolerant. But it’s fine.”

Senior Carolyn Mahn’s laptop Emily Hamer
Frederick Seidel, a senior majoring in environmental student and economics, also has calls to his home in his stickers. He says his stickers represent his home, the company that one of his friends started and then things he’s generally interested in.
“Smokey the Bear — that’s probably just because I have taken a bunch of environmental studies classes and, you know, you just gotta prevent wildfires,” Seidel says.

Senior Frederick Seidel’s laptop Emily Hamer
For Hannah Stetz, a UW sophomore studying special education, her religious sticker is one of her favorites.
“I like the sticker of Our Lady of Guadalupe,” Stetz says. “I just think it’s really cool because it’s really famous [and] to see it as a sticker is cool.”

Sophomore Hannah Stetz’s laptop Emily Hamer
Nicole Shields, who is majoring in journalism with certificates in graphic design and French, says her stickers are representative of things that she likes to do or has done in the past.
“I like ‘life is good’ in general, but the clubs I’m in are fun,” Shields says. “Or I went on a trip to South Carolina and that’s why I have that one [the palm tree] because that was a really fun trip. And I like art too.”

UW student Nicole Shields’ laptop Emily Hamer
For Chelle Yang, a senior majoring in communication arts, her stickers represent different things she likes, such as music and movies.
“I just like collecting stickers from when I buy different clothes or other things,” Yang says.

Senior Chelle Yang’s laptop Emily Hamer
Molly Snow, UW freshman majoring in environmental engineering says she also picked her stickers based on her personality.
“I picked a lot of girl empowerment ones and earth because I’m an environmental engineer,” Snow says. “And ‘hold on I see a dog’ because I love dogs.”

Freshman Molly Snow’s laptop Emily Hamer
Are you proud of your laptop stickers? Send us a picture at theweekly@uc.wisc.edu