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UW-Madmail delivers new e-mail option for campus

July 6, 1999

The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) announces the release of UW-MadMail to campus on July 1.

UW-MadMail is a new server-based e-mail system, unique because it provides e-mail storage on a dedicated server and backup of e-mail. These are key benefits for mobile users who need access to e-mail from different locations on campus and/or their home computer. UW-MadMail is attractive for those who travel because it allows access to e-mail via a web browser.

UW-MadMail is also compatible with a number of e-mail software packages including Eudora, which is already used and supported on the Madison campus as part of the WiscWorld suite, and Netscape Mail.

Initial cost of the service has been set at $50 per year for 50 megabytes of hard drive space, with a sliding fee scale of $25 additional per year for each extra 50 MB of space. UW-MadMail is user-friendly, offering online signup and customer assistance for those interested in migrating from the current VAX system to UW-MadMail.

For more information or to sign up for the service visit the web site at, or contact the DoIT Showroom at (608)265-7469, or Judy Brickner, End User Computing at (608)263-3847,

Faculty, staff and students currently have three DoIT e-mail systems to choose from including WiscWorld, ccMail and VAX server-based systems.

UW-MadMail is based on the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP4) and will provide an e-mail alternative to current VAX and cc:Mail e-mail customers at a cost similar to what they are paying now. It will not replace the current WiscWorld or cc:Mail e-mail services.

VAX service will be discontinued by Dec. 31. The cc:Mail software product line has a limited future because its vendor, IBM/Lotus, has shifted its focus to Lotus Notes, a comprehensive GroupWare product.

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