UW-Madison team at Hyperloop competition

Members of the Badgerloop team with the pod they constructed. UW-Madison
After more than a year of intensive work, a team of University of Wisconsin–Madison students is ready to test its futuristic high-speed transport vehicle on SpaceX’s Hyperloop test track in California.
The UW–Madison Badgerloop team, which won third place in the initial round of SpaceX’s Hyperloop pod competition, will compete in the second phase Friday through Sunday at the SpaceX test track in Hawthorne, California
At the competition, the team’s 15-foot-long levitating vehicle—a “Hyperloop pod”—will travel through an above-ground vacuum tube at speeds reaching 200 mph. Badgerloop will compete along with 30 teams from colleges and universities from around the world to field a pod for SpaceX and Tesla Motors co-founder Elon Musk’s high-speed ground transport system.
Badgerloop is unique among the top teams in the competition because it consists primarily of engineering undergraduate students.
More information about the competition can be found at the SpaceX website, www.spacex.com/hyperloop. More information about the Badgerloop team is available here: http://news.wisc.edu/uw-madison-places-among-top-teams-in-spacex-hyperloop-competition/. A video about the Badgerloop team is here: http://news.wisc.edu/staying-in-the-loop/.