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UW-Madison hosts hands-on CALS Day for Kids

April 14, 2003

Let a calf suck your hand, plant a sunflower seed or hold a baby chick. These are just some of the hands-on activities that more than 900 Dane County fourth-graders will experience at the second annual CALS Day for Kids. The event will be held in the Stock Pavilion on campus Tuesday, April 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m..

Hosted by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Student Council, the program will feature hands-on activities, animals and a variety of agricultural displays about the importance of Wisconsin’s agricultural industry.

“CALS Day for Kids gives an opportunity to urban elementary students to learn about the vast field of agriculture,” says Rick Henningfeld, CALS Student Council vice-president and event coordinator.

During the day, elementary students can visit more than 15 educational displays and activities developed by CALS student organizations and focusing on a variety of topics in agriculture and the life sciences. They include a horticulture exhibit with different plants, a food pyramid game and baby animals.

“The program will encourage learning and communicate some of the excitement of agriculture and science to the young students,” says Richard Barrows, CALS associate dean. “It is one vehicle by which the university fulfills its mission to society, to extend knowledge to the people of the state.”

By increasing public awareness of agriculture to the greater Madison community, the organizers hope the event will enhance the future of the industry in both rural and urban areas, says Henningfeld.

For more information, contact Christine Lepple, the event’s co-chair, at (608) 264-0392 or