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University Staff Statement on Legislative Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research

December 15, 2015

We believe the University of Wisconsin System, in particular institutions such as UW–Madison, are doing vital work in the areas of medical research.  We also believe UW–Madison is using the highest of ethical standards when it comes to any research they take part in. We assert the state of Wisconsin and the people of the world have a special interest in the continuation of research that could lead to breakthroughs and cures for cancer, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure, Alzheimer’s disease, and other afflictions which impact the human race.  Criminalizing this vital research would have a devastating effect on the State of Wisconsin, the UW System, our economy, and our pursuit of knowledge.

Therefore, we, the undersigned university staff representatives and governance groups from across the UW System endorse and support the resolution passed by the UW–Madison University Staff Congress on September 21, 2015:

University Staff Congress Resolution

Resolution regarding Legislative Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research

Whereas, the Wisconsin State Legislature is considering legislation that would limit the use of fetal tissues and cell lines in research;

Whereas, the legislation as currently written would criminalize UW–Madison researchers and others in Wisconsin for knowingly providing, receiving or using for experimentation a fetal body part including newly derived cells and cell lines;

Whereas, more than 100 laboratories at the University of Wisconsin–Madison utilize existing cell lines and, in some cases, newly derived cells and cell lines for their research;

Whereas, researchers working with fetal tissue at UW–Madison must adhere to an institutional policy that is more rigorous and restrictive than current federal regulations;

Whereas, research utilizing fetal tissues and cells/cell lines including research done at UW–Madison has led to breakthrough discoveries, vaccine development and advances in other medical conditions directly benefiting nearly everyone in the state of Wisconsin, the nation and the world; and

Whereas, if passed, this legislation would slow or halt the development of new therapies and cures for deadly and debilitating diseases;

Therefore be it resolved, the University Staff Congress at the University of Wisconsin–Madison opposes legislation that would limit the use of fetal tissues and cell lines in research; and

Therefore be it further resolved, the University Staff Congress requests the legislature and governor to remove language with implications for research from the bill.

In support,

Russell Kutz of the UW–Madison University Staff Executive Committee

Denise Ehren, Wes Enterline, and Jody Marquardt of the UW-Whitewater University Staff Council Executive Board

Randall Trumbull Holper and the UW-Milwaukee University Staff Executive Committee

Scott Krause and the UW System Administration University Staff Council

Josh Entzminger and the UW-Stout University Staff Senate Executive Board

University of Platteville – University Staff Senate

Signed by the University Staff Senate of River Falls

Jay Conley on behalf of the UW-Superior’s University Staff Senate Executive Committe