Transportation Services sets 2017-18 policies, raises rates for parking, bus passes

Parking rate adjustments help cover rising costs, like the upkeep of lots and parking structures and construction of new parking facilities.
Transportation Services has announced its rate structures for next year, raising the current $24 employee bus pass fee to $36 and also raising parking rates.
The changes are being implemented for the 2017-18 parking year, which runs Sept. 1, 2017 to Aug. 31, 2018. The bus pass increase is the first in four years and the increase in parking rates is part of the conversion of the three-tier rate category system to a two-tier system.
Product rate changes
The conversion to a two-tier system began in the 2013-14 parking year. By 2019, the plan will place all parking structures and high-demand surface lots into one category, and all remaining surface lots in another.
By phasing the conversion in over six years, one-time, large-scale price increases were avoided. The changing categories see a 10 percent increase per parking year, while non-changing lots undergo a three percent increase.
The price of afternoon and night permits will rise by $5. The lost permit fee and permit exchange fee will each be raised $5, as will the returned check fee. The fee for lost tickets in university parking structures will be $20.
Employee bus pass changes
Effective for the 2017-18 parking year, the cost of the UW employee bus pass will be $36. Most UW, UW Health and UW affiliate employees and emeriti are eligible for a subsidized bus pass.

By purchasing an employee bus pass, customers save almost $744 a year and pay just 4.6 percent the price of a yearlong Madison Metro pass. Photo: Jeff Miller
The contract with Madison Metro will be renewed for fiscal year 2019 and, as Metro’s service costs have risen, Transportation Services is anticipating a rate increase.
Transportation Services highly values alternative transportation and public transit, and therefore subsidizes the cost of an employee bus pass. A 31-day Madison Metro pass costs $65, approximately $780 for a year of service. By purchasing an employee bus pass, customers save almost $744 a year and pay just 4.6 percent of the price of a yearlong Madison Metro pass. The one-way bus ride fee is now $2, meaning the employee pass pays for itself within nine days (18 trips).
Additional information on bus transportation
Policy changes
Beginning Sept. 1, enforcement in Lot 16 will change from weekdays 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to controlled at all times. A lot-specific permit will be required weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; any valid UW permit is allowed after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Hours of control for residence hall moped lots will now be enforced weekdays 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. in order to secure parking for residents who return home later in the day. Previously, residence hall lots were enforced weekdays 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Enforcement for all other moped lots will remain the same — a lot-specific permit is required weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Several “all access” lots are available on the campus periphery for any UW moped permit holder, also enforced weekdays 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
UW Transportation Services understands any increase can create financial challenges, but these rates better represent the appropriate funding levels required to deliver its core services to customers. These rate adjustments help cover rising costs, like the upkeep of aging lots and parking structures and construction of new parking facilities.
Transportation Services, which is part of Facilities Planning & Management, is an auxiliary enterprise of UW–Madison and receives no state funding. Revenue funds parking garages/ramps and lots, bus service and federal- and state- mandated alternative transportation activities. Many programs are partially or fully sponsored by Transportation Services revenue, such as SAFEwalk, the campus Accessible Circulator Shuttle, the University Bike Resource Center and discounted alternate transportation program membership (such as BCycle, Zipcar and the employee bus pass program).
Information on Transportation Services finances
Refer to the 2017-18 Program and Rate Changes Brief for more specifics. Questions or comments? Call (608) 263-6667 or email
Tags: campus transportation, parking