The do’s & don’ts of Interdepartmental (Campus) Mail
Interdepartmental Mail, also known as Campus Mail, is a service that specializes in delivering mail to buildings on campus. It’s best known for delivering those brown envelopes with the string-ties. Envelopes can be filled with a variety of materials including documents, seminar flyers, billing notices and just about anything you can stuff inside. It’s not associated with the US Post Office, so Interdepartmental Mail does not require postage. The Campus Mailroom receives thousands of pieces of mail each month so it’s important to accurately address and organize outgoing mail. Here are some do’s & don’t to help expedite delivery.
1. Properly address Interdepartmental Envelopes:
• Indicate the addressee’s building name or street address if the building name is not common on campus. This is very important. Also add the name, department, and room number of the addressee. Avoid building abbreviations and department acronyms!
• For mail going to students in Residence Halls please indicate the name of the hall and the floor name, along with the name of the recipient.

An employee places sorted mail into cartons to be loaded into delivery vehicles at the Campus Mail sorting facility at 45 N. Charter St. Photo: Bryce Richter
• Envelopes with misaddressed or unrecognizable addresses that cannot be delivered will be opened and an attempt will be made to deliver to either the intended recipient or sender.
• Please cross-out the address above the line you’re using. Check to make sure there aren’t addresses on both sides of the envelope. Once all the lines on one side of the envelope are completed, use the reverse side. Once both sides are full, place in a recycle bin.
2. Bulk Mailing: Any bulk mailing consisting of 3 or more pieces of mail that are of the same matter, going to the same building, must be banded together. Administrators who maintain bulk mailing lists should regularly review the names and addresses to ensure currency and preclude delivery delays.
3. Outgoing Interdepartmental Mail: Please place all out-going Interdepartmental Mail in a neat orderly fashion, by having the envelopes placed in the same direction with the addresses facing up. (This will help reduce any possible chances of delay or misdirected mail).
4. No Personal Items: Interdepartmental Mail is only to be used for “Official Business” of the University of Wisconsin. It should not be used for personal use.
5. Breakable items/Hazardous materials: Do not send fragile or breakable items through Interdepartmental Mail. These items should be sent through Truck Service (608) 262-1574). Do not send hazardous materials via Interdepartmental Mail.
6. Pick-up and drop off points: All Interdepartmental Mail will be picked up and dropped off at one designated point within a particular building. Please have your Interdepartmental Mail at the pick-up/delivery point 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
7. Returning items to MDS/Stores: Do not send “MDS/Stores Returns” through Interdepartmental Mail. These items are handled by MDS only. Please call MDS at (608) 497-4400 ext 1 to make arrangements.
8. U.S. Mail: If the U.S. Postal Service misdelivers U.S. Mail to your building we ask that you do not put it in Interdepartmental Mail. Instead, return it to the U.S. Post Office for proper routing. The same applies to misdelivered packages from various delivery services.
9. Interdepartmental Envelopes: Excess empty envelopes may be sent to the Interdepartmental Mail Room at 45 N. Charter St. If you would like to request empty Inter-D envelopes, please call (608)262-4254 or email
10. Surplus Rubber Bands: Excess rubber bands can be placed in an Inter-D envelope and sent to the Interdepartmental Mail Room at 45 N. Charter St. They will be reused or recycled.
11. Questions & concerns: Please call (608) 262-4254 or email us at:
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