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Team to advance out-of-class learning initiatives

March 22, 2000
Volunteer with children
A university undergraduate totes a Madison child on his back as part of a race held during last year’s “Children’s Extravaganza,” one of many off-campus outreach activities that involve students as a way of extending the learning experience beyond the classroom. Photo: Jeff Miller

A campus work team has been appointed to lead and monitor the advancement of the university’s out-of-classroom learning efforts.

The group will implement recommendations from a committee that was charged with discovering ways to enhance learning outside the classroom. The committee convened last year to make recommendations to Chancellor David Ward about learning beyond the classroom and enriching classroom learning through out-of-class activities and programs.

Ward endorsed recommendations that include:

  • Carrying out a campus-wide analysis of out-of-classroom learning opportunities currently available.
  • Creating and marketing materials devoted to out-of-classroom learning.
  • Encouraging a stronger connection between academic advisers and out-of-classroom learning providers.

“As a community, we believe we must enhance classroom learning through more out-of-class learning opportunities,” says Mary Rouse, assistant vice chancellor and director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service. Rouse will oversee the team.

“In this new century, this key educational concept has become even more important,” Rouse says.

“It relates directly to our daily work on campus and in communities here and around the world,” Rouse adds

For a list of team members and a full copy of the report, contact Rouse, 263-5702;