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Tag School of Medicine and Public Health

New School of Nursing building, WIMR research tower included in budget

March 23, 2011

“We are ... turning away three well-qualified applicants for every one we accept”

Childhood illnesses exact high cost on the entire family

March 21, 2011

Families whose children have serious health problems spend a much higher percentage of their incomes, averaging nearly $600 more a year on out-of-pocket health care costs than families of healthy children, a new national study reveals.

Moms’ mental health needs attention during and after pregnancy

February 23, 2011

Poor mental health before and during pregnancy are "giant red flags" predicting which new mothers are more likely to suffer postpartum mood disorders, a new nationwide survey reveals.

Thyroid removal is safe and effective for Graves’ disease

February 15, 2011

Surgical removal of the thyroid isn't usually considered as the first option in treating Graves' disease, but a new University of Wisconsin–Madison study suggests that in experienced hands maybe it should be.

William Clancy rejoins faculty as sports medicine chair

January 25, 2011

William Clancy, who developed numerous surgical knee reconstruction techniques now used by nearly all orthopedic surgeons around the world, is rejoining the faculty of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.