Tag Federal relations
New early career awards support biofuels research
May 31, 2012A young generation of researchers are seeking biofuels in some unlikely-sounding places: toxic algae blooms and cow stomachs.
New stem cell technique promises abundance of key heart cells
May 28, 2012Cardiomyocytes, the workhorse cells that make up the beating heart, can now be made cheaply and abundantly in the laboratory.
In chemical reactions, water adds speed without heat
May 17, 2012An international team of researchers has discovered how adding trace amounts of water can tremendously speed up chemical reactions-such as hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis-in which hydrogen is one of the reactants, or starting materials.
In metallic glasses, researchers find a few new atomic structures
May 11, 2012Drawing on powerful computational tools and a state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscope, a team of University of Wisconsin–Madison and Iowa State University materials science and engineering researchers has discovered a new nanometer-scale atomic structure in solid metallic materials known as metallic glasses.
UW-Madison earns DOE funding for nuclear engineering innovations
May 8, 2012The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded the University of Wisconsin–Madison more than $2.6 million in grants for nuclear engineering research, fellowships and facilities upgrades.
New round of federal funding received for $85 million medical isotope project
May 8, 2012The Morgridge Institute for Research has received a $20.6 million award from the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration to support development of a new process and manufacturing plant for a medical isotope needed by tens of thousands of U.S. patients daily.
After epic debate, avian flu research sees light of day
May 2, 2012After a marathon debate over a pair of studies that show how the avian H5N1 influenza virus could become transmissible in mammals, and an unprecedented recommendation by a government review panel to block publication, one of the studies was finally and fully published today (May 3, 2012) in the journal Nature.
IceCube Neutrino Observatory explores origin of cosmic rays
April 18, 2012Although cosmic rays were discovered 100 years ago, their origin remains one of the most enduring mysteries in physics. Now, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a massive detector in Antarctica, is honing in on how the highest energy cosmic rays are produced.
UW-Madison research support continues growth arc
April 3, 2012The latest statistics from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) show that scholars at the University of Wisconsin–Madison continue to be among the nation's most successful at securing support for their research.
Baumann appointed to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
February 23, 2012Linda Ciofu Baumann, professor emerita at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing, has been appointed to a four-year term on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
Journal boycott gaining steam at UW–Madison
February 21, 2012They are mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore. That describes an emerging response from more than 6,000 scientists to Elsevier, publisher of more than 2,500 scientific journals, including Cell and The Lancet.
The Waisman Center: Decades later, what would Harry think?
January 30, 2012Last fall, the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison bid successfully for the same National Institutes of Health core grant that the late Harry Waisman first won 45 years ago.
Department of Surgery among nation’s best in research funding
January 29, 2012By just about any measure, the Department of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison is excelling in research.
UW-Madison reaches 3,000 in total Peace Corps volunteers produced
January 25, 2012The University of Wisconsin–Madison this year ranks third among large universities nationwide in the number of alumni currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers, up from eighth last year.
Satellite renamed to honor UW–Madison space pioneer
January 25, 2012NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have renamed their newest Earth-observing satellite after Verner Suomi, a longtime UW–Madison professor who often is called the father of satellite meteorology.
With $3.5 million, UW-led consortium will address national freight issues
January 20, 2012The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded a $3.5 million grant to the National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE), a consortium led by the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Flu researchers pause for thought
January 20, 2012The authors of two H5N1-related papers, to be published in Nature and Science respectively, today announce in those journals their decision to call a voluntary 60-day pause on research involving highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses leading to the generation of viruses that are more transmissible in mammals.
Jahn to speak at White House for Morrill Act’s anniversary
January 9, 2012The 150th anniversary of a law that changed the mission of the University of Wisconsin and gave rise to the Wisconsin Idea is being marked in 2012, and a UW–Madison faculty member and student will be participating in a White House event that coincides with the occasion.
UW–Madison sends two to elite epidemic-investigation training
December 20, 2011Two people trained at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine have been chosen for a highly competitive federal program that hones the skills needed to investigate epidemics.
New U.S. measurement expands understanding of poverty
December 15, 2011Professor Tim Smeeding has joined other economists in praising the Census Bureau’s release of poverty numbers based on an alternative measure.