The national experiment to develop a new generation of college science and engineering faculty, one equipped to excel in the classroom as well as the lab, is about to shift into high gear.
According to the conventional wisdom, drinking water taken from a deep aquifer protected by a semi-permeable layer of rock should be protected from many contaminants, including viruses.
Bas Rokers, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, will illustrate how our brains process visual motion and depth during the three-part National Geographic television series "Brain Games."
The White House has named a pair of University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers and a recent alumnus to a list of the country's most promising researchers.
A hearing aid recycling program that helps provide services to low-income individuals is under way, led by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Communicative Disorders.
The University of Wisconsin–Madison’s new environmental studies major was mentioned in a U.S. News and World Report article that spotlighted nine “hot college majors” from around the nation. The mention of the new major came as students began signing up for the new undergraduate major in environmental studies at UW–Madison.
Some come directly from graduate school; some come from established careers at major universities. All of the new faculty members at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are excited to get to work.
As Madison deals with a proposal to establish a single-sex charter school, a University of Wisconsin–Madison professor of psychology is one author of an article that calls the scientific case for single-sex schools "pseudoscience."
William Courtenay, University of Wisconsin–Madison Hilldale Professor and Charles Homer Haskins Professor Emeritus of History, has been elected a corresponding fellow to the British Academy.
In the summer of 2007, University of Wisconsin–Madison economist Menzie Chinn was among those who started to think something was amiss with the U.S. economy.
The Chazen Museum of Art will celebrate the opening of its new 86,000-square-foot building and its expanded role as a hub for the arts on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus and a leading cultural resource for the region on Oct. 22.
Ever since human induced pluripotent stem cells were first derived in 2007, scientists have wondered whether they were functionally equivalent to embryonic stem cells, which are sourced in early stage embryos.
Two University of Wisconsin–Madison educators are among the recipients of the UW System's 2011 Alliant Energy Underkofler Awards for Excellence in Teaching.
Globally, irrigation increases agricultural productivity by an amount roughly equivalent to the entire agricultural output of the U.S., according to a new University of Wisconsin–Madison study.