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Collaboration key to Union Theater’s success

March 12, 2008

Ralph Russo, cultural arts director of the Wisconsin Unions and Union Theater director, says that the magic experienced at the Union Theater is the result of a collaborative process: “We are not an ‘I’ organization; we’re a team. At the theater, students drive the programming and the staff works to support that. This arrangement is unique in higher education. Usually, campus performing arts facilities are not connected to campus/student unions.”

Students, professors invited to apply for Hirsch Family Award

February 13, 2008

Undergraduate students and their professors still have time to apply for the inaugural Hirsch Family Award, created by alumnus Jim Hirsch and his wife, Judy. The deadline for applications is Friday, March 14.

Hot subjects—Music 319: Musical Ethnicities of Wisconsin

February 12, 2008

Most students are surprised to find on the timetable that a Wisconsin-focused class could fulfill their ethnic studies requirement. But music professor Susan Cook says her new class takes a broad view of both music and ethnicity, diving into the use of music in ethnic settlements in Wisconsin since the 1800s, such as the Swiss in New Glarus and Germans in Milwaukee. She will also explore the musical traditions of Native Americans and recent Hmong immigrants.

Playing double: A UW pianist gets hands-on with a unique instrument

February 5, 2008

Christopher Taylor has two pianos in his campus studio. One has eighty-eight keys; the other has almost twice that many. Taylor, an assistant professor of music, is the unofficial keeper of a double-keyboard Steinway.

Concerts, exhibits, plays among spring events

January 28, 2008

There’s no end in sight for the strike at the Writers Guild of America, but that doesn’t mean you need to sit around boo-hooing, watching reruns or mind-numbing reality TV. Much finer entertainments are in the works on campus for the spring semester. See a play, visit a gallery, take in a film and attend a concert, or two or seven. Campus arts groups will present the works of the world-renowned as well as our student artists-in-the-making.