Student engagement survey puts focus on the UW experience

Students scurried past Bascom Hall on the first day of classes Sept. 8. Photo: Bryce Richter
On March 1, all first-year students and seniors will receive an email inviting them to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).
The survey offers students the opportunity to provide candid and confidential thoughts on their UW–Madison undergraduate experiences. The survey explores student perceptions about academics, learning communities, interactions with faculty, and experiences that happen outside of the classroom.
NSSE is conducted by Indiana University and administered by hundreds of campuses across the country. On the UW–Madison campus, the Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research (APIR) coordinates the survey.
The survey results provide invaluable data and give the university insight on what is going well and what needs to improve. Feedback from previous NSSE surveys identified the need for more resources for academic and career advising and led to student-focused improvements. The survey also helps the university understand the overall UW–Madison student experience and the impact of activities outside the classroom.
Students have until May 14 to complete the survey. NSSE will send students who have not yet completed the survey email reminders. In addition, students who complete the survey by April 15 will be entered into a drawing for one of 50 gift cards worth $25 each.
UW–Madison last participated in the survey in 2020.