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Student board hosts All-Campus Party

April 23, 2001

The Wisconsin Alumni Student Board, the student arm of the Wisconsin Alumni Association, will host the first-ever All-Campus Party April 24-27.

The All-Campus Party 2001 is a program designed for students by students to celebrate spring and the end of the semester. A dozen events are scheduled between the annual UW spring football game Saturday, April 21, and the Crazylegs Run Saturday, April 28, including a free concert at Luther’s Blues, flag football tournament at Camp Randall Stadium and a free film festival.

On Friday, there will be a free pizza lunch on Library Mall and at Union South, a culture and music festival featuring student organizations, a campus appreciation reception with a speech by U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin including free Babcock ice cream, and a concert in the Kohl Center.

“We were looking to create a program for the entire university; something that would cater in some way to everyone’s interests,” says John Jung, WASB member and coordinator of the All-Campus Party 2001. “This has been a great opportunity to bring together students, faculty and university partners from all across campus.”

“We’re really excited about the All-Campus Party,” says WAA’s executive director, Paula Bonner. “It’s a tremendous example of what can be done when some of our major student organizations work together to make things happen. From the alumni association perspective, we’re supportive of events like this, because we know that once students feel as if they’re part of the campus community, they’ll realize that that type of community can continue for them, even after they’ve graduated and moved on.”

Partners on the UW–Madison campus include the Wisconsin Union Directorate, the Associated Students of Madison, the Wisconsin Alumni Association, the Badger Student Fan Club, the Office of the Chancellor, the UW Athletic Department, Greek Week and the RWJ Project. The All-Campus Party 2001 will be an alcohol-free program.

The Wisconsin Alumni Student Board has been serving UW–Madison and its graduates for nearly 20 years. WASB provides an array of services, including: Prospective Scholars Days, informational days about the UW for multicultural students; distribution of RWJ grants, donations on behalf of RWJ to student organizations that promote alcohol-free weekend programs; and the Spring Networking Seminar, a program designed to bring together UW student organizations.

For a detailed schedule and more information, visit: