Slide show: Adventure Learning Programs
Eric Knueve (red jacket), an adviser for the Adventure Learning Programs and specialist in experiential education, joins student facilitators in working as a team to find the platform balancing point of a “four-way whale watch.”
Located at the West Madison Agricultural Research Station, the low-ropes portion of the new challenge course is now complete, and ALPs is working to find funding to add a high ropes element and a shelter structure.
Knueve shows a set of technical ropes to the group. Last year, more than 3,000 people participated in ALPs workshops.
Knueve describes a harness worn by undergraduate student Brian Johnson.
Participants work as a team transfer to Johnson from a wheeler to the “universal people sender.” ALPs uses climbing and ropes courses to help groups build self-esteem, trust, teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills.
With the support of a team of spotters, Justin Steiner, co-coordinator of ALPs, scales a 12-foot wall.
Participants navigate a "zig-zag" walk. As ALPs campus programming and resources continue to grow, Knueve hopes to also increase its community involvement.
Photos: Jeff Miller
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