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Sledge funeral scheduled Tuesday

October 25, 1999

A funeral is scheduled Tuesday, Oct. 26, for George W. Sledge, a longtime administrator in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Sledge died Wednesday, Oct. 20, of cancer. He was 71 years old.

The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at First Baptist Church, 518 North Franklin St., Madison.

Sledge joined the dean’s office at CALS in 1960. From 1966 until his retirement in 1993, he served as associate dean of academic student affairs.

Dedicated to strengthening educational programs, Sledge developed awards to recognize the outstanding teachers and advisors in the college each year. Under his guidance and with the help of faculty and staff, the college initiated a new honors degree program and internship program for students, and it expanded its scholarship program, personal advising program, and career advising and placement service.

Under Sledge’s supervision, the college revised and expanded its curriculum twice and enhanced its reputation for individual attention to the needs of undergraduates.